Lol, this is funny. If you people are so obsessed with grammer, and spelling stuff out. Find a English language fourm. There are reasons for acronyms, one being typing on a phone. Its easier, as you dont have a large area. That also is the reason you see spelling errors. Hard to go back and re-read, and if you get interrupted, there isnt usally a save option. People are diffrent, if you dont like how they communicate, don't read it or block them. Its really not that hard. My spelling is a combo of fat finger typing on a phone and dyslexia. And , truth be told, i could care less what people think of my grammer and spelling or not spelling out on a site thats supose to be fun and entertaining. This isnt for a grade, or to hand in a monthly report at work. Have fun, and dont get all woked up for what really amounts to nothing in this day and age. Enjoy life.