Old-Biscuit wrote:
Theft is theft......even a 25 cent brick.
All of the 'justifications' posted crack me up.
Guess I was raised different.
If it isn't yours---ask first. Can't ask....then leave it alone. It ain't yours.
No need for justifications, since nothing was stolen. Standard protocol to block your wheels before unhitching, and it's pretty common to grab whatever is handy to do so. I have occasionally dropped a trailer at the dealer's storage yard, and followed their instructions to, "grab some of the wood lying around, and block your wheels". Scrap brick, up against a fence is no different. Doesn't matter if it's a piece of firewood, a few bricks, or short pieces of 2x4, if its laying around, it's not out of line to assume the last guy used it for blocking and left it..