I store my motorhome on the side of my house right outside my bedroom window. My dog sleeps in my bedroom with us and is very good about waking up if he hears any noise. I live in a nice neighborhood with almost no crime. The motorhome is behind a fence that can't be opened from the outside and I have a motion sensor light that comes on with any movement around the motorhome. I'm also a retired cop and have a gun handy at night. It's so safe that I used to not even keep it locked.
About a year or so ago I went out the side door to the garage and saw the motorhome door standing open. I also noticed that the motion sensor light came on even though it was daylight. The light then immediately went off. I knew that meant that somebody had flipped the switch on the light to put it in test mode. I went into the motorhome and every single cabinet was standing open. There were only a few things missing.
Whomever got in jumped over the fence and activated the light. They then turned the light to test mode which means it went off, but would come on for a few seconds with any move. The gate was still locked so they also got out by jumping over the fence. All this just on the other side of the wall from me sleeping with a Glock 40 and the dog sleeping and we didn't hear a thing.
The moral of the story, you're not safe from thieves no matter where you have your RV.