If you put poison out, make sure you don't have other animals running free, like house cats or dogs. If they catch the mice, kill them, and eat them, you've just killed your dog or cat too.
We have a cat and 2 dachshunds and live in the country. The only mice we get in the house are the ones the cat brings in through the doggie door, and then the dogs catch the mice when the cat set them free playing with them. Oh, it's quite a scene when that happens.
But it's rare. Because the dogs are always digging up moles and catching chipmunks and mice! Unfortunately, both my dogs thoroughly enjoy the fine cuisine of mole, chipmunk and mouse! They go nuts for days until they catch the critters. If we put out poison, and the critters eat the poison, then the dogs eat the critters, well .... "and I don't know why she swallowed the fly, perhaps she'll die!
Here!If you park your camper away from fields, bushes, and tree lines the chances of critter invasion are greatly reduced.