Ivylog wrote:
These things have wheels under them for a reason. Only once have I put in the slides and unhooked in the campground so I could start up and move away from a tornado storm...
OK - now I'll go full-blown Weather Geek:
It takes a radar dome 4-1/2 minutes to do one scan. Some states, like Florida and Michigan, tend to have "pop-up" tornadoes that can show up on radar as a pixel - but in the course of the potentially 8 minutes it was on the ground, can do a LOT of damage. They aren't like the Great Plains tornadoes that tend to be highly visible and long-tracked.
So yes, we are all very mobile - but trying to outrun a tornado when you don't really know exactly where it is, is very risky business, depending on where you are. If leading tornado researchers (Tim and his son Paul Samaras, and Carl Young R.I.P.) can be trapped and killed by a tornado - we lesser humans shouldn't really try that :-(