Crowe wrote:
So y'all can call me uneducated, stupid or whatever you like, but the 5th wheel we are looking at comes with nitrogen in the tires. Are there nitrogen pumps available? Can you mix it with air or just swap it over? Just seem weird to me.
First the only STUPID question is the one you should have asked, but did not.
Second. Nitrogen There has been much debate on this. Nitrogen has some different properties than basic air. It's a large molecule so the gas does not "Migrate" as fast as normal air (Which is 78% nitrogen by the way) now if there is a greater pressure differential (IE: flying high say 10,000 feet) this becomes more important... It also is not as affected by temperature So it is commonly used in aircraft tires.. Which suffer extreme temps and often can be found thousands of feet in the air.
For RV tires.. It's basically a Gimmick. Feel free to use normal Air.
I do suggest a Tire Pressure Monitoring System...