I owned both and our Tahoe could only tow so much. Also the shorter wheelbase will subject you to more road bounce. The Tahoe also was a 1500 or half ton. Our burb is a k2500 3/4 ton is a beast. First it has a longer wheelbase and second a bigger suspension. With our burb we upgraded our TT and didn't have to go out and buy another TV. The Tahoe limits you so it depends on what you want to tow. Love both. Its the burb for towing hands down.
You can tow anything in a straight line on a flat road with no traffic possibilities.
Since that doesn't exist in the real world. You need to buy a TV that can 'handle' all what can happen and does while on the road traveling. Not just driving in a straight line.
I want something with a substantial wheelbase so when the winds pick up 'and' a semi passes you doing 80 you don't end up end over end upside down when the TT starts swinging pushing the TV all over and it's not capable of getting it under control.
Been there did that ONCE on I70 in Tulsa with the Tahoe. :(