mkirsch wrote:
Bumpyroad wrote:
no need to beef up to GvWR unless you plan on actually loading it up to that. see what loaded/wet weight is and allow for some extra stuff.
Where do you get the wet weight from?
I suppose you will say, "Take it to a scale."
the most common figures thrown around here for "stuff" is 1,000-1,500 lbs. but it would be easy to figure out how many gallons of water could be held and know the weight of gas, etc. to come up with a guess. but I would be more concerned with the dry weight of each unit, assuming that you would be loading them similarly and you could figure out what type of load you would need to tow. if you need a little less weight, just don't carry a full tank of fresh water.
my point is, if two units weigh about the same dry, say 3,500 lbs., and one is rated for a total weight of 5,000 lbs. and the other is rated for 6,000 lbs., and you fall under that 1,500 lbs. of stuff estimate, I would not hesitate to get a TV rated for 5,000 lbs. if that is the vehicle desired. yes, you could get a F-550 to tow it if you so wanted.