First, you should be proud that you managed.
All the power stuff that people are talking about is fine and dandy, but first you need to learn what to do.
To that end, Make Lists.
Make an arrival and set up list.
Make a hitch up and departure list.
As you have already figured out, there is nothing required that you can't do. If there is something that requires more strength than you have, then figure out how to cheat. Unless you are boondocking (really boondocking) all alone, there will always be some man that you can impose on to do that. (Just be sure you meet the wife first.) If you want to add a power tongue jack, that is fine, just be sure that you know how to make it work when the power goes down. All of that fancy stuff breaks down at the worst time.
Electronic levels, they are fine but know how to do without them.
Recently, I had the unfortunate opportunity to teach a widow friend how to deal with all the parts of her (once their) old coach (TT). She had never done any of the stuff that routinely needs to happen. We made lists. She drove all the way to our back lot and set up and hooked up for the night and after breakfast, she worked her way through the departure and drove the rig home. And, she took it someplace almost every weekend the rest of the season.
You can do it - too.