But if you found things to be beyond your actual strength, then my advice would be, yes, get things set up with whatever mechanical assists you think would substitute for extra hands etc.
Agree. It's unclear WHY you couldn't hook/unhook. If it's physical, what Francesca has said is great advice. If it's lack of familiarity, then just practice. I hooked/unhooked our toad a bazillion times on our street, as did my son, just to get used to it. I used to love to hook up our 5er because I was better at engaging the hitch pin in one shot than hubby was. I learned how to drive our Endura (35 footer) the true trial by fire method. We got it one week before we were leaving on vacation and the tires needed to be balanced. There's one specialty shop in my area in the CITY of Lowell. Hubby couldn't get time off from work, so two days after he drove it home I drove it into Lowell to get the tires balanced. Lost all my fears at that point.