Hannibal wrote:
svt440 wrote:
I owned a 28' rear kitchen travel trailer that liked to sway (even with sway bars). I then moved to a 32' fifth wheel that has spoiled me and tows like a dream (this is my current rig). I'm considering down sizing to a Winnebago Winnie Drop 170S (2800lbs) and they look like they may have a lower center of gravity. If I downsize to an F150 and pull a Winnie Drop, at freeway speeds will it want to sway like any other travel trailer or not? Thanks!
We went from our third 5th wheel back to a 32.5' travel trailer in our quest to downsize. We've towed it for a year and probably 6k~ miles with a Reese HP WDH with no sway control. We had no sway with that setup. On one trip out I-10 we had a crosswind and non-stop trucks passing. The slight push and minor steering corrections got to be annoying but not scary or dangerous. I recently found a very barely used Equalizer 4 point 10k hitch on Ebay for a song. It stopped every bit of the waggle from passing trucks and crosswinds even with a little marine grease on the L brackets to keep it smooth and quiet. Your rear kitchen and it's propensity for heavy loading behind the axles is what caused your 28 (probably 32') TT to sway. Our 2nd 5th wheel was rear kitchen. It swayed. We couldn't feel it in the truck but I could see it in the mirrors. A properly balanced and loaded trailer with proper axle placement doesn't sway. Our rule is, we can load whatever we can carry into our TT as long as it's in front of the axles. To answer your question, a tear drop will or will not sway depending on how you load it. Should be a great combo for an F150. Our local dealer has let us test tow on occasion. I share your desire to downsize and simplify.
You nailed it on the head with your last word, "simplify". Thats cool that I'm not the only one. I love my Rockwood though. Its going to be hard to adjust from sitting in the living room on the couch or recliner watching a 43" tv, or fully stretching out on my 60x80" queen mattress at night to a 60x74" mattress (I'm 72" tall), and no couch with a 24" tv haha! But its much more practical. I just don't want to go back to the world of sway no matter what I do, so I'm glad its possible for a bumper pull to not way. Thanks for everything!!