You really need to redo the hitch. Is the front of your TV high? If so. that is a large part of the problem. A high front unloads the steering axle. You lose control. Over all how does the TT sit with the TV hooked. Is the whole thing level. TV nose up? TT nose up? Nose down?
Do you have anything mounted on the back bumper of the TT? If so. Also could be the problem. Are your TT tires aired to max?
Best thing. Take the TV, and TT to a level parking lot. Un hook. Measure the distance from the front bumper of the TV to the ground. Measure the rear as well. Drop the tongue back onto the ball. Measure the front again. Then hook up the WDH. You should return at the very least 1/2 of the distance it was with out the WDH on.
Measure the rear. It should be no higher than it was unhooked with the tongue OFF the ball.
In truth, once you get the front right, the rear will take care of itself.
Now IF you get the front down to where it is supposed to be, and you still have sway. You may not have enough tongue weight. You will need to go to the scale. You need at least 12% of the TT weight on the tongue