Fully electric vehicles grow from less than 1% of the on-road LDV fleet in 2021 to a little over 7% in 2050 in the Reference case.
Perhaps EVs are not causing the biggest issue for the grid or the EIA is wrong."
Ya gotta keep your story straight if you're pushing your views (I wont say agenda, to be kind).
ONLY 7% of LDVs by 2050 will be electric?
I know the math gets in the way of a good time and a good argument, but I can't make that match up with all the reports and goals by different states that you drool over that say no new ICE LDVs by 2025, 2030, 2035.
So which is it? Will EVs take over in the next few decades or will they continue to be an option for only a small % of car owners, who either want the "green" overpriced status symbol or those who can effectively make use of an electric commuter mobile.
Between the folks on here who believe the world will be saved by EVs and the ones who think you can sit in Death Valley for a week in July in your air conditioned AC sipping a cold martini with a few solar panels and some overpriced batteries to keep you cool and the vodka chilled, I'm a bit embarrassed for some of y'alls levels of comprehension.