Financial donations to a reputable company are probably the best thing right now. The Red Cross is doing an amazing job of distributing items of need down there, but they are running low on certain supplies. I heard on the radio this morning that things such as baby formula and diapers are needed. I'm sure by this evening they have been overwhelmed with formula and diapers, but tomorrow a new need will inevitably arise.
God bless the people who are helping, from professionals like police/fire/national guard to the everyday citizens that are donating time, resources, equipment, etc. I am always so amazed at the outpouring of selflessness and true caring that we are able to produce in times like these. If only we could put away partisanship, cultural differences and religious differences and work together as Americans, how much better would this country be.
Its terrible that tragedies like this need to occur before we come together as a UNITED States of America, but I am grateful for the opportunity to show my children that true selflessness and caring does exist in this world. I hope everyone stays safe that is helping and living down there.