olfarmer wrote:
... We love that area but don't want to get in the way of the rebuilding process...
My 2c's is I would book in your home park in Palacios. I did not go into the business area or the RV park, but can pretty much guess they got zero damage and all the things you love there are still going strong. I would then unhook the toad and take the short drive down to Rockport and check things and the parks out. Port Aransas was ground zero for landfall. Rockport/Fulton couldn't have been that far behind.
Only reason I would check things out first is because in Port Lavaca I was going to spend the night in one of the RV parks due to some very strong head winds causing higher then wanted transmissions temps. When I drove through the park it was pretty much full of workers, all their gear, and large trucks. Decided to WalMart park instead, easier to get in and out plus guessing more quiet at night and then again early in the morning.
Getting gas in the morning at Buck'ees was a wait. Nothing but loud 3/4 and 1 ton trucks filling up for the day. It's good to support the local economy, but I would check out the park to make sure you're not shortchanging yourself on the snowbird experience in the process.