Ralph Cramden wrote:
It must be that we normally avoid the holiday weekends and typically arrive on the Monday for the week. This time we came early. Has anyone noticed the campers who evidently get great joy from riding around and around campground loop roads, over and over. I lost count with one guy at 47 passes over two days. Its not my gas or time, and I could care less what they do, but we're getting some good laughs watching these people riding around. Must be boredom or am attempt to show off the tow vehicle.
What causes neurotic behavior in campers? Hummmmmmmm
Looking for a lost love (woman, child, dog, tranquility, etc.)
Looking for a new love
Looking to sell drugs
Looking to buy drugs
Being on drugs
Having Alzhheimer's Disease, dementia, etc.
A stuck throttle, no brakes, and excess fuel
So far, that's about it.
Edit: Hummmmmm. Drive by 47 times? On further thought: google "phishing" or "stingray surveillance" or "IMSI Catcher"
I'm not accusing anyone of anything but if the shoe fits . . . .
It's quite common for law enforcement, hackers, identity thieves, and credit card scammers to collect meta data from your cell phones and laptops by simply driving by, numerous times, learning a little more about YOU each time they drive by, and, they don't even have to break in your house/vehicle anymore.
Stingray mobile devices act like a cell tower that intercepts your cell phone signal before the nearest tower, reads/records it, then forwards your signal to the most local tower without your knowledge or consent.
It's quite common for hackers to hang out at Starbucks, public libraries, airports and other high traffic areas with free/commercial wifi hotspots looking for "easy pickins." They like the idea of having a fresh crop of out of towners to prey upon.
A good idea might be to stop the driver and just ask them in a nice way, "Hey, can I help you with something?" Pay particular attention to see if they have a laptop open and unusual electronic equipment in their vehicle. Look up the stingray device and IMSI Catcher on google to see what they look like.
Chum lee