It's surprising to read how many people found these events to be unfriendly, clique-ish and off putting. That's unfortunate. However after being on this site for months now I can definitely understand it. Those same cliques seem to exist here also.
But to the point of updating the Samborees and making them more accessible to more people and attracting a larger number of folks I think there are some things that should be considered and are obvious from just a casual non member perspective.
Get a New Updated Logo and dump the grinning Fool in the round sticker. It's dated, it doesnt relay any information about the organization and it's time for something new.
One poster suggested more activities like hiking. Your target group is the younger Baby Boomers. They are a bit more open, active, and less likely to want to sit around and play Bingo. News Flash! we're not dead yet.
The descriptions I read in this thread of many of the local chapters reminds me of Home Owners or Condo Owners associations. Run by a small group of folks who are hanging on like grim death to power and are resistant to change.
These could be fun easy going get-togethers but it sounds like it will take change from the down to make that happen.
More Burning Man less Lawrence Welk.