jplante4 wrote:
It would be useful if they had underpass heights in the database and allow you to route around the low ones. I'm headed for Frosty Acres in upstate NY next month and the reviews specifically mention not to follow the GPS route.
Some do - my DEZL 760 from Garmin (hybrid trucker/RV GPS) has underpass height restrictions in it (I think the Rand-McNally RV ones do also). BUT, that doesn't mean it knows everything! Was driving up Hwy 101 from Calif. to Oregon a few weeks ago, and it tried to route me 180 miles out of the way to avoid a 20 mile section. The GPS had the upcoming tunnel at 11'4", while my 5th is 12'. So it got extremely persistent, insisting that we were going to all crash and die. White knuckle time!
Turned out the tunnel was 11'4" at the lowest point on the furthest edge of the shoulder. It was 14' at the top of the arch. We made it through (whew!). The reason I ignored it was there was oncoming traffic that was taller than I, and they obviously had made it through. And then there are the other stories about underpasses that aren't in the database...
But at least it is something that helps you to check things out ahead of time. Did a good job in Miles City, MT, warning me not to go down main street due to the very low overpass. Just don't take it as the full story about any given situation.