I only have one story that happened to my neighbor camper when camping up in the Smoky Mtns Natl park at ELKMONT Camp Ground. This happened about three years ago...
Me and my neighbor was the only two occupied camps in loop. I was setup in C7 and he was in C9 across the road from me.
He had small TT setup and I was in my OFF-ROAD POPUP setup.
We of course visited alot and talked about what all we were using etc doing what we always do when camping. He had 3KW Honda Generator chained to a small tree sitting out in plain sight. My generator is a 2KW Honda generator sitting secured in the back of my truck bed near the tailgate corner. It is totally covered with a folding hard plastic bed cover when not is use. I just pull mine out onto the tailgate when I use it...

We both left the camp site this one morning to go to the local town for supplies. I got back around 2PM in the afternoon and could not turn down my loop because of a tree laying across the road. So I just went all the way around the camp and came in the other side of the loop road and parked at my camp site. Sure enough the tree was cut down in the early afternoon while we were both gone from the camp area. His 3KW Honda Generator was gone. Just after I showed my neighbor shows up and there we both stand in disbelief that his generator was stolen in broad daylight. We asked around some other campers and no one mentioned they heard anything. It probable was cut down with a hand saw since it was around 8-10 inches in diameter...
Not much you can do...
I personally haven't lost anything in all my years of tent camping and the past five years camping in my OFF-ROAD POPUP. I have found out most neighbor campers tend to look out for one another,
However any of these special items like small generators and the such is just too easy to grab and run...
With typical chained 2KW generator sitting out in the open like this google photo probably would not last long in an unoccupied camp site.

just my thoughts
Roy Ken