Gasoline for my mower. Back when I was in my early 20's and drank alot of beer. I kept getting up saturday, 3 weeks in a row, to cut the grass and was scratching my head, man I was sure i filled up my gas can last week. Filled it full of water the next day. Come next saturday morning viola, it was empty again, later that day my neighbor asked me if I could look at his car, right outside of my driveway, it wouldn't start. I kindly told him to siphon the five gallons of water out of his gas tank and purge the fuel system. I also added If I ever catch you in my shed again you'll be leaving with a salt shot in your back and told him to get his car away from my driveway before I have it towed. He ended up having it towed. Never lost gas again. You all should really look into a case hardened chain and a really good lock. cables are very easy to cut. Had to cut a few on the construction site on a saturday before to access a lift, the keymaster was gone for the weekend.