I had an axe stolen,
then a pair of lawn chairs
a bundle of 5/16 rope, about 100 feet,
a lantern on a propane bottle
a 20lb propane tank
a radio with cassette deck off picnic table, (we were snoozing in the tent)
beer out of a cooler.(no I did not drink it, it was stolen) Then.
an entire cooler with contents figured must have been teenagers cause both places there was a group of them eyeballing sites at around nightfall
next time I see a group doing that I am going put a triple dose of EXlax a couple beer bottles put the caps back on and leave them in a 6 pack box on the table
I watched a teenager walk right up on a campsite and into a trailer about 10 minutes after the owners left, my son knew what site he was on. so when they got back a couple hours later from the beach, we ask them if they knew that kid, nope they did not other than he had befriended their kid earlier that day, a watch and some change was missing which the cops made short work of retrieving to the embarrassment of that kids parents as they were told to leave the park, as the cops hauled the 16 year old for multiple counts of petty theft throughout the park.
all the thefts that happened to me were over 35 years of camping, so its not terrible, but it can and does happen