A good place to start is the Class C Sub Forum
Thanks - I actually did skim that before starting here in "general". I saw a few threads hitting topics of interest to me. Also some in the Class A area. To a large extent our situation is not unique and our path seems well worn. We picked the big 5ver because for the price we could not beat the storage and living space and features. We very much like having a small vehicle at our destination.
I'm pretty clear that if we go the C route we give up things like the 1800 mile cruising range of the HDT, and the days of dry camping possible in the hauler with a 5kW genset and huge holding tanks. But I'm not ready to drop the coin on an equivalent Class A and DW says she would drive a C w/dinghy (vs the HDT she refused to even attempt).
I'm trying to get my planning groove going again and be ready for the next RV show we try as C shoppers (I'll guess it will be the next time they set up in Tampa).