Get a Go Pro camera. I had a swoop and squat happen in front of a car ahead of me, and if it were not for the footage of my dashcam, the person who caused the wreck would have gotten the insurance money. Another incident was someone popping into reverse and slamming into the vehicle behind. A third incident was someone running a red light and T-boning a Smart car, which caused it to go into another vehicle. That case taught me to avoid small cars, since the Smart car driver was actually sued for the damage that his vehicle did to the other car... even though it was knocked around (spun like a top) by a light runner.
That is very common, especially here in Austin. It is called "crash for cash". I don't praise Russia much, but one law they have on the books is that all vehicles have to have front dashcams. This tends to help a lot with finding who was really at fault.