admiral0647 wrote:
The photo is from 2007 when I was still using the Reese fixed a-frame to hook up my car.
As you can see, the hitch (ball socket) was not easy to see from the driver's seat. Also there was no way to support the hitch in a horizontal positiion at the correct height, while trying to hook up alone. The 'get out and look" method doesn't work since the socket of the a frame must be higher than the hitch ball and there is no way to hold it up while also driving the car. I tried cords and chains but the angle back to the car was too shallow to support the weight.

I hope this helps explain the difficulty in hooking up an a-frame towbar.
Two thoughts:
I would get a box or step to set the A frame on. You need a box anyway to store the safety cables, cord, bits and pieces, right?
Your towd is small enough, get close and pull or push it by hand (make sure you're on level ground). I do this with my CRV, no problem.