back in '02 we received a 4 free days/3 free nights offer from Thousand Trails .... went to our nearest park, listened to the sales pitch, had a good time, but couldn't see the price .... the last night there a work camper suggested we take a look at Campground Membership Outlet in Florida .... they handle selling memberships for people no longer or able to camp .... a few months later we did and instead of paying the $4K+ price we were quoted for a new national membership we paid $1,500 which included the transfer paperwork and first year's dues .... we've been members every since and for us it has proven to be an exceptional value ..... our $600 a year dues covers 50 nights in their parks which breaks down to $12 a day .... when we go over 50 nights they charge us $5 a day .... our goal is to go over 50 .... so far as I know one can still purchase a used membership like ours .... if their parks are where you want to go and if you have the time to use your membership, it can't be beat .... if not, its worthless