I suffered from back pain for 46 years, having been diagnosed at age 20. My doctor told me surgery was my only option, but wait till back surgery was more refined. So at age 66, I found a wonderful surgeon. Had my surgery and for the first time in my adult life, I'm out of pain. I ended up with 3 fusions, 2 rods, 6 screws, and 2 cages. I feel none of that and haven't had a pain pill since my surgery 3 years ago.
If surgery isn't an option and you certainly don't want to take pain killers and drive, I suggest as others have, to drive fewer hours, stop often to walk around a bit. Also, and I do this now, wear a back brace. I don't wear it for pain, but it keeps me upright and prevents slouching which contributes to pain and discomfort. I actually have two that I use. I had one I purchased years ago and then my surgeon's PT gave me one.
If you want a surgery opinion, I used a doctor in Indianapolis. He was wonderful and I knew people who had had surgeries done by him. I see you are in Chicago, so that's not far. If you are interested, PM me. My sister is waiting on an appointment for him as we speak. She is looking at surgery and her grandson is as well. He is a neurologist and neurosurgeon. Don't go to those spine doctors who advertise on TV.
I had an inversion table, a home gym, had tried shots, pills, PT, massage, acupuncture, etc. You name it, I tried it. When I saw the doctor, he said. . . surgery is the only cure. He was right. I was hesitant about going under the knife due to all the horror stories, but I was to the point where walking was difficult and impossible at times, I limped badly, and had hip problems due to the limping. So glad I had the surgery.