Matt_Colie wrote:
Don't fret. When these things happen, they happen just like that.
In this case a TPMS would probably only added to the chaos at the time.
Okay I am going to be polite here----Respectfully-- that is just ignorant talk
Clearly you do not know how a tire pressure monitoring system works.
By the way tire pressure monitoring systems are on many vehicles this This day and age ---so your statement is just totally off-the-wall .
Anyway for those who do not know --a tire monitoring system TPMS watches parameters a certain pressure range (now most of them have two stages of alerts ).if a tire suddenly blows the pressure monitor reads the 0 and alert you so you can stop As soon as possible.
( right away and not cause damage to your trailer).or MINAMISE it.
Now if you get a pinhole or a failure that causes the tire to drop slowly than it alert you that you are dropping pressure fast --and you can pull to the side of the road and prevent damage .
my tire pressure system has alerted me to a blowout or tread separation and allowed me to get to the side of the road with no damage to my trailer .
Please --once again please know what you're talking about --it will not add to the confusion.
A tire pressure monitoring system let you know that the tire does not have air or is losing air rapidly so you can take corrective action the damage is caused by the tread flapping away and hitting the components. Think about it ,and if a tire pressure monitoring system wasn't worthwhile then why is it on many many new vehicles?????
Please educate yourself--- thank you.