JimK-NY wrote:
Tires will dry rot even when stored in a dark location. Lack of use increase the rate of dry rot because tires contain protective chemicals that work themselves towards the surface when used. I learned from personal experience the life of a tire stored in the dark is about 4 years.
Hmm.. don't tell the Model T and Antique auto folks this..
They often will INSTALL 60+ yr old NOS Clincher tires AND DRIVE ON THEM..
Clincher tires are a high pressure tire for the size, 60PSI or so..
And, yes, I HAVE a set of 70+ yr old clinchers laying around that my Dad helped my Grandad put on the antique car I now have.. Was pretty concerned about them since they had to have a 6" section vulcanized in to fit the rims since at the time there was no size available for the rims. I did replace (mainly because the inner tubes were not holding air and I wasn't sure how well the splices would hold up when replacing the inner tubes)but kept the old ones for show and tell at car shows :B
Here is a pix of that tire splice taken in 2011 when I got the car from my Dad..