Birdnst wrote:
We all monitor our tires as evident from a lot of posts about tires.
The question l have is what pressure gauge?
I have 3 different ones Kobalt digital, Accurite digital, and parts store dial gauge, all 3 give a different reading, don't know which one is right.
What are you using?
If you check further down on General RVing Issues page 1 ,you will see six pages of this subject, and many options for a gauge.
I have used a simple stick gauge for years, thats got the numbers nearly worn off, and its as accurate as I need. I see no need to invest a lot of money in one. It matches my trucks TPMS to the psi. ,and its within 3 psi of my fifth wheels TPMS. As said no need for anything else.
Pick one see where it matches up with a TPMS ,and be done .