I flat tow 2 different vehicles. I have a NSA Ready brute towbar that has a built in surge brake. I went with this setup for the ease and low cost of towing multiple vehiclesor switching vehicles. A new brake cable, breakaway, and brackets run under $500. I use the magnetic lights.
Toyota 4-Runner: I tow a 1995, Auto, 4x4. to do this I disconnect rear driveline. It is 8 14mm bolts. I can do it in about 10 minutes. I will say I am reluctant to do so in rain or snow but will cross that bridge when it comes. I do not know about towing a manual trans 4 runner.
Jeep Wrangler: Bought a set of bolt on brackets for the winch bumper for under $100, new brake cable & breakaway for ready brute for under $200 and away we go. Much easier than the 4 runner but not as much cargo room. To offset some of the cargo issue I custom built a tire carrier and cargo rack system.
Both of my vehicles can NOT be towed on a dolly. I am sure you will find most 4x4 or AWD(even worse) cannot. Even 4x4 with transfer case from mid 90's mostly do not have a neutral in the transfer case as the trend was to go electric engaging. Another thing to consitder is if the t-case is lubricated. Some lubricate only when the engine output is spinning.