Donniev86 wrote:
The slit is on the top side and has been gone over several times with some double sided tape and covered again with duct tape, I realise that'll be an issue but I'm hoping that will be enough to hold it together to finish the drainage and then obviously a new hose is necessary.
You're going to have to buy a new hose anyway, so buy it and change the hose out now. That slit could potentially be a geyser when you finally clear the clog. Sure hold onto the slit hose if you want to try something. But pulling the valve with even a taped up hose would be my absolute last resort.
If you watch the link in my previous post you can see what the black tank system basically looks like. Just imagine a toilet sitting on a pipe on top of the clear tank in the video and you can see the whole system. Once you see that, you can see that there are really only three places that the tank can plug up. Either at the bottom of the toilet, at the drain opening, or at the valve. The fact that you are dealing with a cable operated valve strongly suggests that the valve is sitting at the tank opening which simplifies it a bit.
First know that it is extremely unlikely that the tank is chock full of solid matter. So either you have a tank full of mostly liquid sewage or an empty tank with a plug at one of the two openings.
I would start with trying to verify where the plug is by doing a few things.
From your post it sounds like money is tight. If your mom is friendly with the neighbors you might see if one of them has a clear dump elbow you can borrow. Hook the clear elbow between the new hose and the dump pipe on the trailer. Now pull the trailer dump valve while observing the clear pipe. Does sewage come out or not? If no sewage then the valve is not opening. Even an empty tank will have some water coming out of it if the valve is opening. If water starts coming out, even if it's a trickle leave the valve open until the trickle stops.
Once the trickle stops try adding clear water to the toilet. If the water just sits in the toilet your clog is at the toilet. If the water flows out of the bowl the clog is most likely at the drain.
If no water comes out when you open the valve then it's very possible the valve is not actually opening. If that's the case you'll probably have to crawl under the trailer, find the valve, and find a way to open it.