tpi wrote:
I've had both. I'd say the porcelain is better in appearance and ability to clean hard water deposits off without scratching or damage. Plastic is lighter and may hold some advantages in behind the axle locations or places where weight distribution is important. It is also a bit cheaper..and as far as I can tell the valves etc. are equally durable.
One trick I've used on all of my toilets is to store them with distilled water in the bowl. No mineral deposits from evaporation.
That's really a great idea. I stored mine with pure RV anti-freeze in the bowl, and it discolored it something fierce. I didn't want to tell my wife because of course she would have known it would discolor.:R But- it is a porcelain bowl and with just a little scrubbing the color came off. That's about the only advantage over plastic that I can think of.