There's no right answer on this without knowing a few more things:
- Full timer or weekend warrior?
- Handy or all thumbs?
- Are you likely to work on mechanical, frame, electrical, plumbing, LP, carpentry, upholstery or want it done professionally because of either risk, time, materials, tools, or skill level?
- Likely to do it all yourself or patch it up and take it to a repair facility
- Is a hack OK to see you through or will you require done right right away?
- Excess capacity for carrying stuff (weight and space)
- Remote camping or close to semi-urban areas where you can buy what you need when you need it
- Do you have all the stuff already and looking for a way to store or will you buy new in advance? (or see previous, as you need it)
- Enough experience to know essentials versus carry but never need
I do professional (furniture) repair work on site and you would probably be surprised that I carry a fairly small kit of tools that has been honed to just what I need to efficiently do a variety of jobs.