The base gasoline is the same. In some towns you may have refineries, or more than one pipe line terminus or something where you are get fuel from very different suppliers, but for many of us it all comes via the same pipeline.
The additive package and rate (ppm) that it is added can be different. However you never know what you may be getting at a discount gas station, it could be a left over load from a tanker that filled the Shell stations and had left over fuel, or it could just be the fuel with the minimum EPA required detergents.
You also never know if the Shell fuel you get has the right additive package in it, as no one checks. Heck, I am often skeptical that the right octane is even coming out of the mixing pumps.
BTW, The website lists Quick Trip is Top Tier gas, as are many other lesser known stations according to that website. Quick Trip is usually around the cheapest gas you can buy.