larry cad wrote:
larry cad wrote:
larry cad wrote:
larry cad wrote:
larry cad wrote:
Current price for diesel (today Sept. 14, 2019) in my area, per Gas Buddy ranges from low $2.79 to high $3.19, and with gas low $2.39 to high $2.75. Will check back in a few days with an update!
Sept. 15, 2019 Gas Buddy ranges from low $2.79 to high $3.19, and with gas low $2.39 to high $2.75
No change yet!
Sept. 17, Gas Buddy ranges from low $2.80 to high $3.25, and with gas low $2.39 to high $2.85
Slight change.
Sept. 18, Diesel Gas Buddy ranges from low $2.89 to high $3.24, and with gas low $2.45 to high $2.85
Sept. 30, Diesel Gas Buddy ranges from low $2.89 to high $3.25, and with gas low $2.47 to high $2.65
Certainly no obvious trend, and I haven't heard any rumbling of war threats from the White House. Of course, this President has demonstrated he is not one to go to war on a whim. More likely he will wait a while and then do something behind the scenes which will make the point and we will hear about it much later.
If a war breaks out over this, maybe I will revisit this thread.
Sept. 14, 2019 in my area, per Gas Buddy diesel ranged from low $2.79 to high $3.19, and with gas low $2.39 to high $2.75
Oct. 6, 2019 in my area, per Gas Buddy, diesel ranged from low $2.59 to high $3.29, and gas low $2.36 to high $2.79So, if I had jumped on the bandwagon when this post first appeared, and filled my 125 gallon diesel tank, I would have lost $25.00. Also have not received my draft notice to report for overseas duty. (Do they still do that?)
This has been an interesting thread. I’m surprised the mods have left it run. I’ve also noticed there haven’t been any “chicken little”, sky is falling articles in the media. I wonder when we will see major changes, upheaval, war, rationing, etc.