I am just heading home from spending 4 months in Florida.
Twice this year we had to head to the showers/shelter due to Tornado WARNINGS. It was quite scarry.
Couple things. Last year I did have smart phone apps but this year the same apps failed to notify me.
BOTH times that we had to seek shelter, it was at night. I wanted something that I could trust, that would alarm and wake me in case of a tornado warning. ALSO, it had to be easy enough to set the channels each time I relocated.
Found a great one!
ANOTHER THING - I snowbird for four months and change campgrounds frequently. (state campgrounds) I found it quite alarming to listen to the alerts and NOT know what county I was in or sometimes the town. So I made myself maps of the surrounding counties for each campground I stayed in. BELIEVE ME I was glad I did.
I asked this same question on here previously and there are some folks that are quite beligerent and dismissing.
Don't pay any attention to them! You prepare yourself so that, If necessary, you can get yourself and family to a safe place until the storm passes.
One more thing. The forst time we went to the shelter, I did take my cell phone and a little flashlite/weather radio. THANK GOD!
After we were there about 10 minutes the power went out. We were able to listen to the weather, use the lite, and with my phone monitor the radar and watch as the storms passed.
To the nay sayers - 14 people lost their lives in one of those storm event systems. Four were killed when a tree fell on thier mobile home as they slept.
I will make every effort to keep the ones I love safe!