I'm so glad that we don't have tornado's in California (ha ha). On Friday, we had 90 mph gusts and it blew over my fireplace stack made of Stucco. The structure is an 11' tall x 7.5' wide x 3.5' stack sticking up from the roof. Neighbor had a plate glass window blow out. My house keeper happened to be there and took a video of the event (I was out of town).
The living room/dining room has a 70 ft. wall of glass and no breakage (thanking my lucky stars). I think the house is angled just right in correlation to which way the wind normally blows. The wind blow 'by' the windows, not 'at' the windows.
These strong winds seem to come through the California desert every few years (at this magnitude). A couple of times a year we get strong winds (40-50 mph gusts).
Making lemonade out of lemons. The workers are there today to clean up the mess and build a new stack.