Sounds like our last home. Backing a 32 ft fifth wheel, into it required, a lot of, jacking around, and off the edges, of the wide concrete drive way. usually thirty minutes. Only a few times did I complete it in just a couple of maneuvers and one one maneuver. Backing, the Motorhome, onto it, was a lot easier, but I still had to come upon the side, of the drive and a couple, of maneuvers or three.
However, wife's Uncle backed our fifth wheel into an even tighter spot, in Michigan. He was an experienced Semi Driver.
I drove a short bed trailer on a five ton tractor or semi some IN Nam. The Fifth wheel was a lot harder.
Street was only ten or twelve feet wide, at our old home. I ended up putting some pavers next to the driveway, at end. They sunk into the ground level, after rains and snow and grass made them undetectable, almost.