CavemanCharlie wrote:
Do you have a 4X4 truck ? If so you can put it in low range 4X4 and that will slow it down some. It makes backing easier and it's better for your transmission. Your video makes it sound like you are being really hard on your tranny....
That's the first thing that came to my mind - how hard this is on the transmission. Reverse is on a different plane than first gear and has a higher gear ratio. It always 'seems' like you are making a lot of power in reverse, but what is really happening is the torque converter is slipping and producing massive amounts of heat. Put a transmission temp gauge on it (if you don't already), and watch it spike during this parking job.
It always amazes me at campgrounds when people pull in with their RV totally hot from a long drive. They then pull out the leveling blocks and back the RV on to the blocks. Then they shut it off and have a beer. The transmission just got a huge jolt of heat, and now it is going to do nothing but heat soak for hours, unable to cool itself (like when the engine is running). This takes miles and years off the life of a transmission. Always pull forward on to the blocks, it is much easier on the transmission - and then allow it to run and cool for a minute or two afterwards. And, use 4x4 LOW if you have it - let the gears do the work rather than slipping the torque converter.
My $.02...