sch911 wrote:
You also need a toad braking system in most places....
Almost, but not quite true. Many states do not have a legal requirement for brakes on a towed motor vehicle. However, many states (and the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards) have Braking Performance Laws. You must be able to stop your combination of vehicles in a certain distance (usually 40 or 45 feet) from a certain speed (usually 20 MPH) when on a level, clean, hard surface (like a paved parking lot).
As for what towbar to use, ANY towbar will do the job! I towed an assortment of Jeeps for many years with a simple fixed arm adjustable width towbar by Reese (I think it was a Reese..). Anyway, I see a similar bar at Walmart for $165. It did the job very nicely.
You can get a very good telescoping towbar with integrated braking system from NSA/Ready Brute that will work very well on your Jeep. The braking system is a surge type, with no electronics at all. Simple and effective. It will cost around $1000 for the full setup.
Check out the Ready Brute website for more information.
Disclaimer: I do not own one, nor do I have any affiliation with the company.
For a long time I used a set of Harbor Freight magnetic mount lights for towing.