I toad an explorer a 2016 ,previously a 2012 explorer ,I hard wired a receptacle direct to the battery w/fused line .I put a disconnect on both battery posts , owners manual say disconnect + post problem was I got a ground connect via tow bar every thing works great ,1 recommendation I would make is use magnetic tow lights because of the sophistication of canbus wiring in computerized systems I would be leery of cutting in to lighting system any electrical problems down the road and they would blame it on toading system . if your brake buddy is the newest one your in coach monitor will let you know if voltage on toad drops below acceptable charge state ,happened to me once and there was still enough left to start the car ,let it run for 15 minutes and finished towing my last 75 miles , only other thing iv'e found is after towing sometimes the check engine light comes on easy fix start and stop the engine 10 times light goes out and everything is fine, we have had our ex for a year it only gets driven when we are rving and serves us well.
any questions I can help with just post here and I will try to help