W4RLR wrote:
I just know that my truck, similar to what you are looking at, tows my fiver, also similar, with very little squat. just look at the picture below. Full fuel in the truck, full fresh water in the fiver, and full ten gallon gas tank on the fiver for the generator when that picture was taken. On the flats with my 6.0 liter engine I get 11-13 mpg while towing.
I like the diesel. Others like the gas engine. It's been my experience that the gas engine is a beast, and will pass everything except a gas station.
Good luck
Newer 6.7 power strokes are simply NOT getting as good of mileage as your lesser smogged 6.0.
From what I have gathered 6.7 due to smog equipment and regen cycles you can expect at the most 11 mpg while towing and if lucky 14-15 empty.. Heck my 2013 with 6.2 is getting me 15.5 empty highway and towing 7K I get 9-10.1 MPG. The days of diesels getting 19-20 empty and 14-15 towing are gone.
Diesels now days are not for everybody, they cost a premium price upfront ($7K-$8K) add considerable weight (1K lbs), REQUIRE PREMIUM MAINTENANCE (IE check and empty water separator OFTEN, weekly at least), coolant tests and additives, 15 quart oil changes and if something bad goes wrong you can be hung out to dry with some extremely EXPENSIVE REPAIRS (IE fuel system repair is $10K :E ), fuel in my area is averaging 40 cents per gal MORE than 87 gas..
Not to mention the newer diesels have a lot of interesting quirks like FORCED 50 MPH speed or even worse immediate SHUT DOWN on emissions faults :E which can happen at anytime without warnings even while towing... I certainly would not be happy about having my truck randomly decide to stop in the middle of towing at 70 MPH :S
Break even point on these newer diesels is well above 250,000 miles provided you do not have anything expensive break and the body doesn't rust out.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate diesels, I DO think they have merit but not justifiable in ALL applications.
The 6.2 IS a very decent alternative and very capable engine.