cmcdar wrote:
I am new to towing, but not new to camping. My tt is just a 19 footer BUT I still need practice maneuvering it.
Yesterday (Sunday), for the first "practice session" I went out to an empty business parking lot. Lots of room NO CARS!
I brought with me 4 orange traffic cones so I could practice turns and backing into "campsites".
I will go back again next Sunday. If I run over a cone, NO PROBLEM. If I run over someone's Buick, BIG PROBLEMS.
It was fun. Security came by, I thought they would stop and check me out. NOPE, went on by like they see it all the time.
Have fun and be safe
The best way to learn to back up a trailer is to first be able to back it a long distance in a STRAIGHT LINE. This will give you practice in the small corrections you need to make and turns and backing will become surprisingly easier after this.
So pick out a long white line along a curb or grass strip and back straight down that for maybe 50 yards or more (or whatever lenght is available) keeping your trailer tires close to the white line at all times. Master this and backing into a spot will be much easier.
Oh and get your hand off the bottom of the wheel. Put it in the normal position and use your mirrors. Try this next time and se if it helps.
PS Buicks can be used as practice cones... :)