Regardless of what brand anyone uses, make sure to look up into the end "pipes/caps/reservoirs/what ever you want to call them". I was working with one of the major name suppliers to see if their coolers was able to be used on Duramaxes for my friend to sell on his website.
The cooler was sourced for manufacturing in China. The cross passages extended into the end tubes and blocked the majority of the flow off. Once I brought this to their attention, the company indicated that they would have to start inspecting for that also. Well Duh.
Considering this was an off the shelf unit that was sent for testing, I wonder how many are installed now with the blockages and folks are thinking they still have a problem when it is really a Chinese quality control issue that was not thought of inspecting for until we found it ????
Bottom line, inspect what ever you buy, especially Chinese sourced components.