SoundGuy wrote:
Dutch_12078 wrote:
Right... Turning two valves is so much more work than dragging out a second pump, hooking up the power wires, and connecting the hoses. :B
Six of one, half dozen of the other, makes no difference at all. In my case, I've installed a spare pump in a G24 battery box mounted on the trailer's A frame and plumbed the pump output directly to the fresh water tank, 12 vdc is supplied to the pump with the trailer's own 7-pin Bargman connector which would otherwise just be hanging there doing nothing. So there is no "setting up", no valves to turn ... all I do is stick the pump intake draw tube into an Aquatainer of fresh water that's already sitting in the back of my truck and turn on the pump. While this process is going on my wife can continue to use the trailer's water system in any way she may choose, including showering.
Fresh Water Transfer System - 7 pics
And at least with my setup, there's still pressure in the water lines from our 2-gallon accumulator tank when the main tank is filling.
That 2 gal accumulator tank reserve won't be anywhere near enough if someone wants to shower while a single pump system has been re-valved for transferring water. :E
Fortunately, I'm not so inconsiderate that I would insist on filling the fresh tank when someone wants to shower. My pump empties a 7 gallon water jug in about 5 minutes, so I somehow manage to squeeze in three or four jugs full at times when no one needs excessive amounts of water. And the system does continue to provide water to the fixtures during the filling process, just at reduced pressure after the accumulator tank empties. If I turn off just the fill valve, the system gets the full pressure using the water in the jug.
I'm not saying your system is bad, just that there are simpler, less costly ways of accomplishing a fresh water fill using the equipment that already exists.