CKNSLS wrote:
bigred1cav wrote:
brooks379 wrote:
There are a lot of car accidents where people die...should we not drive anymore and ban cars ? There are a lot of over weight people in America ....should we ban forks ? I carry concealed and travel with my family and hope I never have to use my weapon but should I ever need to defend my wife and kids I will have the means to do it.
If you proudly carry a firearm why do you conceal it as though you are ashamed?
Where do you travel you need a handgun hidden on your body to protect you from what? You do know an armed assailant will make you dead before you can uncover your hidden gun?
Cars when operated as designed are not designed to kill. Guns are. Overweight people do not enter schools and murder children with the fat on their belly or legs. Cite how many people have been murdered by a fork in past 300 years? It won't reach the number murdered by guns in 2013.
BTW I own and use and am very proficient with firearms. I am just not coward enough to carry one. I have that right as a retired Police Officer.
Good post. As a retired LEO you know all the consequences involved firing your weapon. However, based on the content and tone of posts by others on this forum-many do not have your experiences.
Thank you for your past service keeping the bad guys at bay.
No, ignorant post. One does not conceal a gun out of cowardice. I don't want anyone knowing I'm carrying either on my person or in my vehicle. Why give your hand away? You let a criminal know you're carrying, and you've just given away your advantage. Seems more like strategy than cowardice. A proactive move not a reactive one. Sure, they might steer clear of you if they know, but then again, they might just be better prepared to carry out their attack. That just doesn't make sense. And no, I don't know that "an armed assailant will make me dead before I draw." Do you? Really, do you now see into the future?
I as many choose not to be a victim if at all possible.