Dude, that s uc k s.
Moral of the story (I'll leave the ex wife part out), is Ford 6.0 diesels haven't gotten any better with age and lack of maintenance, upkeep and/or dry storage wreaks havoc on RVs.
On the upside, you have a freshly re-bullet proofed F350? diesel with 8 (I hope) new injectors, which hopefully hasn't sat out in the weather for 10 years and a working 5th wheel now?
My advice would be dump the 5ver unless you want to haul that pig around for just yourself to camp in. It's never going to be worth more later. Then when you're ready to take the trip, find a small, reasonable TT that has been well cared for and keep up with the maintenance on it.
Again, sorry to hear about all this, but preventative maintenance is called "preventative" for a reason. Tough lesson that hopefully someone will learn from.