WVcampground wrote:
4x4van wrote:
WVcampground wrote:
A visual inspection for such things on a watercraft is a total joke and waste of time. It's nothing more than a Government sponsored feel good measure like a firewood quarantine.
You might feel different about that firewood thing if you saw the millions of dead trees in the forests of CA due to the drought taking a toll on trees that were weakened by Bark Beetles. And watercraft & boats? They only check to make sure that the drain plug is removed so that any Quagga Mussells (go ahead, look them up) will dry out and die before being transferred to another fresh water body.
Amazes me how adamant some can be about their "rights" to not be subject to a 1 minute delay in an effort to prevent major problems down the road.
I won't. Because a Pine Beetle, or what your calling a bark beetle, is not an invasive species, it's native. Its current explosion is due to forest mismanagement. A single female mussel releases up to a million eggs per year that are transferred by birds from one body or water to another.
Firewood bans are in place to prevent native species from invading non-native areas. And as for Quagga Mussells, although transfer by birds is theoretically possible, it has never actually been demonstrated, and considering the millions of tax dollars that have been spent because of the destruction to watersheds that they have caused, I'm not so arrogant to claim that 30 seconds to a minute of my time at a California Ag station is more important than helping to fight something that could possibly cause millions of (my) dollars in damage. Maybe google "Asian Citrus Psyllid", or "Mediterranean Fruit Fly". Free and easy travel has created many issues, not just the ones we are discussing here. But thanks, I always welcome someone from the east coast "educating me" on my home state and what is important here on the west coast. :R