Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
WVcampground wrote:
4x4van wrote:
But thanks, I always welcome someone from the east coast "educating me" on my home state and what is important here on the west coast. :R
Don't mention it. Hopefully you're far from the fires and have not had your power shut off. Maybe you all could use some education from the East coast.
Just keep the snowflakes with an attitude home.:B
And that education, would that involve sweeping the forest to prevent forest fire and wanting Pleasure in Paradise city?:S
I agree that decades of CA forest mismanagement and liberal environmentalist policies are to blame for the fires, although CA's vegetation and environment is not in any way similar to the east coast, so any comparison is invalid from the get-go. I know people often ask why would anyone live in CA with the fires and earthquakes; but the same could be asked about those in the Mississippi river valley who continue to rebuild after the river floods every few years, or those along the east coast who get hit with hurricanes over and over, or those in tornado alley, or...
Although I'm still not sure what any of that has to do with a 30 second delay at an AG station. I may be old, but I think I can spare 30 seconds or so once in a blue moon. Will the inspection actually make a difference? Maybe, maybe not; that is indeed debatable. But will that 30 seconds lost degrade my life in any way? Certainly not, although YMMV.