pitch wrote:
Snowflake the OP here.
Strange darn thing, I entered California on I 15 Friday morning,I was met with a wall of inspection booths,all unmanned. Myself and several thousand(probably mutitudes) of my fellow travelers merrily transported whatever pests into were in on or incorporated into their vehicle into California. Yep ag checks are a vital thing. Yep Okay!
No Warrant No Entry!
Snowflake and unedumacated.
It will be manned and strict when they got alerts of infestations from some states across the borders.
And next time it happens, insist on asking for a warrant with your best attitude shown (like after a lost sleep when wifey have you sleep on the sofa).
Or, better still show the same show-me-a-warrant and that attitude during drug interdiction operations when they do it together with state troopers and DEA in those checkpoints.